Confirmation of Workshop PresentationIn order to confirm acceptance and secure your spot in the 2024 SIO Conference Program, please complete the necessary information below and submit by July 12, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Continuing Medical Education at [email protected]. Please enter your contact information: First Name * Last Name * Email address * Do you accept the terms of your workshop submission or do you choose to withdraw? * Yes, I accept No, I would like to withdraw my workshop Please Provide Final Workshop Details: Title of your Workshop: * Provide Name, Degrees, and Email of all final presenters: * Example: 1. John Doe, MD | [email protected] 2. Jane Doe, RN | [email protected] Please confirm that presenter(s) will register for the Conference prior to July 31, 2024. * FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN YOUR WORKSHOP BEING REMOVED FROM THE PROGRAM. Yes No Comments: Leave this field blank