PIPAC is a promising novel therapy to address peritoneal metastases of gastrointestinal and ovarian cancer patients. As this is a novel therapy in the U.S., the First U.S. PIPAC Training Workshop (October 11-12, 2022) is intended to train and certify practitioners to administer this therapy.
Due to the COVID policies currently in place, the Live Surgery for the entire course participants will not be offered during the in-person workshop at one time.
An on-site visit for a Live PIPAC Surgery at an Expert Center is required within 1 year of completing the First U.S. PIPAC Training Workshop (by October 12, 2023).
It is the responsibility of the participant to set up and fulfill the on-site visit for a Live PIPAC Surgery by the designated timeframe in order to obtain final certification.
How to Request an On-site Visit for a Live PIPAC Surgery at City of Hope (California)
- Obtain the voucher for a future On-Site Visit for a Live PIPAC Surgery (this will be provided at the conclusion of the First U.S. PIPAC Training Workshop)
- Complete
Visitor/Observer Confidentiality Agreement (Required)
- Submit copy of On-Site Visit Voucher, and Completed Visitor-Observer Confidentiality Agreement to Ms. Gina Bradley in the Department of Surgery via email at [email protected] at least 2 months in advance of the desired visit date.
Important: The following will be required:
- Flu Shot
- 3 COVID vaccines
- Attestation that you are feeling well the day of the visit