1 Start 2 Complete Learner Demographics * Physician Nurse Other Overall Series Rating * ExcellentSatisfactoryPoor ExcellentSatisfactoryPoor Overall, how would you rate this series? Overall, how would you rate this series? - Excellent Overall, how would you rate this series? - Satisfactory Overall, how would you rate this series? - Poor Extent to which identified Series objectives were met: I am better able to ... * OutstandingGoodSatisfactoryFairPoor OutstandingGoodSatisfactoryFairPoor Identify measurement methods to improve the division's performance related to quality metrics and patient reported outcomes. Identify measurement methods to improve the division's performance related to quality metrics and patient reported outcomes. - Outstanding Identify measurement methods to improve the division's performance related to quality metrics and patient reported outcomes. - Good Identify measurement methods to improve the division's performance related to quality metrics and patient reported outcomes. - Satisfactory Identify measurement methods to improve the division's performance related to quality metrics and patient reported outcomes. - Fair Identify measurement methods to improve the division's performance related to quality metrics and patient reported outcomes. - Poor Assess a system/organization failure and suggested remedies. Assess a system/organization failure and suggested remedies. - Outstanding Assess a system/organization failure and suggested remedies. - Good Assess a system/organization failure and suggested remedies. - Satisfactory Assess a system/organization failure and suggested remedies. - Fair Assess a system/organization failure and suggested remedies. - Poor Integrate processes to reduce fall outs related to the Joint Commission's Conditions of Participation. Integrate processes to reduce fall outs related to the Joint Commission's Conditions of Participation. - Outstanding Integrate processes to reduce fall outs related to the Joint Commission's Conditions of Participation. - Good Integrate processes to reduce fall outs related to the Joint Commission's Conditions of Participation. - Satisfactory Integrate processes to reduce fall outs related to the Joint Commission's Conditions of Participation. - Fair Integrate processes to reduce fall outs related to the Joint Commission's Conditions of Participation. - Poor Discuss possible barriers and biases which may impact patient care (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender identity/orientation, age, socioeconomic status, attitudes, feelings, or other characteristics). Discuss possible barriers and biases which may impact patient care (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender identity/orientation, age, socioeconomic status, attitudes, feelings, or other characteristics). - Outstanding Discuss possible barriers and biases which may impact patient care (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender identity/orientation, age, socioeconomic status, attitudes, feelings, or other characteristics). - Good Discuss possible barriers and biases which may impact patient care (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender identity/orientation, age, socioeconomic status, attitudes, feelings, or other characteristics). - Satisfactory Discuss possible barriers and biases which may impact patient care (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender identity/orientation, age, socioeconomic status, attitudes, feelings, or other characteristics). - Fair Discuss possible barriers and biases which may impact patient care (i.e., race, ethnicity, language, gender identity/orientation, age, socioeconomic status, attitudes, feelings, or other characteristics). - Poor Do you believe the subject matter presented/discussed was: * YesNo YesNo Objective Objective - Yes Objective - No Fair & Balanced Fair & Balanced - Yes Fair & Balanced - No Free of Commercial Bias Free of Commercial Bias - Yes Free of Commercial Bias - No Have you made changes to your practice as a result of this series? Yes No Please describe: Do you have any recommendations for the moderator(s)/facilitator(s) of this series? Yes No Please describe: The Series included educational components that addressed cultural linguistic competency and implicit bias Yes No N/A (If a research or non-direct patient care series) Outside of this activity, what additional topics would you like addressed in other educational opportunities? Leave this field blank